On Tuesday, October 29, the eighth annual Montgomery County Business Hall of Fame (MCBHOF) was held at The Universities at Shady Grove (USG). Among the four inductees for the 2019 MCBHOF was our very own Sophia Parker, founder and CEO of DSFederal.
The prestigious event celebrated individuals who have made a significant impact in the Montgomery County business community, and brought together business leaders to help raise proceeds for the scholarship fund at USG, Maryland’s regional education center.
As the first Asian woman to be inducted into the Montgomery Business Hall of Fame, Sophia credited her colleagues and the women in her family who paved the way for her success today. Followed by a thorough introduction of their community work, each honoree had a chance to gracefully accept their induction with personal speeches.
“Here I am,” Sophia said. “A woman born in Taiwan to a life of poverty, standing here, in the 10th most prosperous county in America, being inducted into the Montgomery County Business Hall of Fame.”
To conclude the event, Jeffanie Rantung-Kramar, guest speaker and past scholarship recipient, told the story of MCBHOF’s significance in her academic career as an immigrant who did not qualify for federal financial aid. She said the organization’s assistance helped lighten her load, allowing her to prosper in her education without the stress of juggling multiple jobs.
“Let’s lift ourselves and others by sharing, nurturing and giving hope; let us help create a prosperity to the students, our future leaders, by donating generously to the scholarship programs at The Universities at Shady Grove,” Sophia said.